Mercedes-Benz Actros

Mercedes claims that the new Actros's main rival is the last generation of Actros that was sold in over 700.000 units in its 15 years of existence on the market.The life span of a truck generation is currently is of 15 years.Obviously in this time period the product in this case the Actros model receives numerous upgrades as the years pass, both visual and technical.
A concise description of the new Mercedes truck contains information's like:2600 hours in a wind tunnel for a optimal aerodynamic profile,engines tested at the equivalent of 25 million miles,12 million miles of tests in extremely rough conditions.Actros claims to be the truck with the most evolved aerodynamic, the Mercedes engineers having studied airflow patterns optimization.They say Actros is a revolution in engineering.At the interior Actros takes pride of its huge interior space that is enough ever for people that are 6 feet 7 inches high although the truck looks pretty narrow.The work at the interior where the designers Mercedes made a good job its pretty obvious.The cabin is divided in three spaces:-the working post,the relaxation zone and the bedroom zone.On its debut Actros is offered with only one engine with 4 power versions:421 HP and 2100 Nm,449 HP 2200 Nm,476 HP and 2300 Nm,510 HP and 2500 Nm.Engine are in Euro 6 and 5 versions.Actros is also equipped with 3 braking systems and it decelerates from 60 to 0 in only 130 feet which is absolutely amazing considering is such a big and heavy vehicle.


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