
Mobius One-Tata Nano's African rival !+Video

The African continent is home to some of the most poor countries in the world.So it would seem natural to be launched an extremely cheap vehicle.This was taken care by the British Joel Jackson that stared a little car company in Kenya called Mobius Motors and Mobius One is the first car ever to be produced by them.This is actually the first car designed in Africa for Africa to serve the African's needs.The main goal was to create the most robust,spacious,simple and cheap car possible.They say that the cars price will not exceed 4.000 Dollars.The car is fitted with the most useful thing a car could be fit with in Africa:a rollcage.They plan to use a 1.0L engine from Toyota which won't make the car to slow because is doesn't weight to much considering it doesn't have door but a canvas instead.The company plans to launch in the future Mobius TWO and THREE that will be much more advanced.
The African continent is home to some of the most poor countries in the world.So it would seem natural to be launched an extremely cheap vehicle.This was taken care by the British Joel Jackson that stared a little car company in Kenya called Mobius Motors and Mobius One is the first car ever to be produced by them.This is actually the first car designed in Africa for Africa to serve the African's needs.The main goal was to create the most robust,spacious,simple and cheap car possible.They say that the cars price will not exceed 4.000 Dollars.The car is fitted with the most useful thing a car could be fit with in Africa:a rollcage.They plan to use a 1.0L engine from Toyota which won't make the car to slow because is doesn't weight to much considering it doesn't have door but a canvas instead.The company plans to launch in the future Mobius TWO and THREE that will be much more advanced.


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