Fiat puts pressure on Chrysler !

At the end of this year Fiat will own 57% of Chrysler.The integration of this two companies in accelerating intensively.The Italians requested an increase of production at the Toluca factory in Mexico where Dodge Journey and the european equivalent,Fiat Freemont, are produced.Fiat was taken by surprise by the high numbers of orders received for the new Freemont approx.15.700 units.They were expecting 13.000 orders in the best case scenario but it appears they're expectations were surpassed.Approximately 80% of orders are in Italy where Freemont is 5.500 euros cheaper that the car it replaces-Fiat Ulysse.For the moment Chrysler succeeded to cover the orders received but they are a little bit worried that this situation might continue a longer period and they will have more cars ordered that they're able to make.They are gonna put those lazy ass Mexicans to work !!!


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