
Saab sees the light at the end of the tunnel

The Swedish manufacturer Saab just received a loan worth of 25 million euros from Gemini Investment Fund Limited.Thanks to Gemini's loan the production at the Trollhattan factories will start in two weeks.The last months represented for Saab a continue struggle for survival but now it appears that sun started shining for them to.At the beginning of this week Saab received an order of 582 cars from a Chinese customer.They also expect the approval of a 29,1 million euros loan from the European Bank of Investments.If all goes according to the plan the production will commence once again in two weeks and the Swedish car manufacturer will be able to honor the orders of the Chinese.Saab's CEO says:"I'm pleased to announce you that the salaries on June were paid thanks to the order received Monday"-Vitor Muller.


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