Formula 1 switches to V6

The team participating in Formula 1 have reached a compromise with the FIA officials regarding the future engines that will be used in F1 guaranteeing that they'll continue the collaboration with their present engines suppliers.
Until the present day the plans included the replacement of the present engines, 2,4L V8,with 1,6L turbo in 4 cylinders until 2k13.Most of the current suppliers(especially)Ferrari have opposed vehemently against this proposal.
The first step toward the "green" are for the F1 competition announces to be a difficult one but the F1 one commission already agreed with the others for the use of a 1,6L V6 turbo.With the agreement of FIA, the F1 commissions plan may enter into force starting next month this meaning that in 2k14 all cars will use the new V6 engine.To be honest I kinda miss the times when in the F1 competition there weren't no concern about the environment and thus the eco "green" shit that anoys me today.But still in motorsport talent and passion are the things that matter most.I invite you all to share me on Facebook and Twitter and connect with me just searching Michael Scoffield.


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